Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review

What a year! A year of total trust in God! That is the only summation to this year. I believe I approached 2010 with definite views of what must happen.

Thinking about it, it could be seen as a walk of faith but nah, I know better. It wasn’t a walk of faith, it was a desperate walk. It was more of God better do something before the first quarter of the year or else the rest of the year was doomed. In summation, it was more of God had to bless me NOW or NEVER.

But I thank God for letting me see him in a different light. If He wasn’t ready to do anything or change my situation around, I CANNOT question Him. Who Am I to question God? Who Am I to question His ways? Isaiah 55:8-9 says- "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

I know the bible talks about being persistent in our asking; but my situation wasn’t about being persistent, it was more of me not seeing any hope if the situation was not reversed. Well, I can testify that God showed up and showed out on behalf of myself and hubby.

In 2010, God thought me to trust him

In 2010, He thought me to be grateful….for every single seconds of the air that I breathe in

In 2010, God supplied all my NEEDS [Please note, not WANTS but NEEDS]. Philippians 4:19

In 2010, God thought me to celebrate others successes even when I dare to question when my miracle was going to be here

In 2010, God showed me that even in my time of lack; I was in better situation that those who seem to have it all.

In 2010, God restored health, reversed diagnoses and gave a quick healing to issues that seemed mountainous.

Yes, my list of NEEDS and WANTS are still out there but I tell you; He’s got my back like never before.

So to 2010, I say God I thank you for showing me who was in control and to 2011, I leave it to the Hands of my Almighty Father. So Jesus take the wheel of my life.

I welcome you all in advance to my year of Manifestation – watch out, God is just starting with me.

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